RJ Bathgate & MJ Hall
Here are a selection of reviews from Goodreads and Amazon:
Darkview : Psychosis is a lurid, often enigmatic saga of one man’s journey into schizophrenia, his traumatic battle through it, and the consequences thereof. The story highlights a fairly common, yet much-maligned condition interspersed with horror, sprinkles of dark humour, taboo issues, and images of breathtaking scenery. A veritable medley of tastes – bitter, sweet, salty, sour, or umami – equals something for everyone to savour.
The first in a series, the book is spooky, disquieting, and thought-provoking. The work certainly has all the elements required to make a great film or TV series and is far better than some of the dross rolled out these days.
Rating: 5 Stars
Downright Chilling!
This is an extremely well-written horrifying tale into the mind of Jack Cyrus. To say Jack is disturbed is an understatement. The journey that Bathgate and Hall brings the reader on is a plague through darkness and evil. To write something so sinister and horrifying is a great task. Jack's mind is darkened by an intense traumatic event, and leads to hallucinations, but what is real and what isn't? This book kept me on the edge of my seat and I had to read it with the lights on.
Rating: 5 Stars
Darkview: Psychosis is a thrilling, dark, disturbing read about Jack Cyrus, a man on the verge of damnation, and his descent into madness. Jack saw unimaginable horrors during the Rwandan Genocide, and as a result, started suffering from PTSD. To make matters worse, upon returning home to Scotland, he’s faced with his wife’s sudden death. Lost, on his own, he struggles to deal with the schizophrenia that takes hold of him, and drags him into the darkness, as his thoughts grow increasingly more disturbing.
Six years after his wife’s death, Jack receives a cryptic letter from her, telling him she’s still alvie, and help captive in Darkview, the place where she spent her last days. Jack travels to Darkview to find out what truly happened, but instead runs into more strange occurences, more secrets and ancient mystery. As Jack pieces together the clues, and tries to hold on to his sanity, the question begs if what is happening is real, or just another facet of Jack’s growing schizophrenia.
The writing was excellent, and flawlessly kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters were interesting, in particular Jack – he was intriguing, with a lot of different layers to his personality, and unraveling what was real and what wasn’t was a fascinating task. The story is dark and disturbing, with just the right amount of creepiness.
I would recommend this book to all horror fans.
Rating: 5 Stars
Darkview Psychosis by R.J Bathgate and M.J. Hall is one of the darkest and most traumatized novella I have ever read. It's one dark ride after another one. A sadness unlike anything I have experienced is brought forth from the words on every page. A misery of hell that appears to be a nightmare or is it? Readers will be stuck in suspense and intrigue even after the ending. Wow...explosive, edgy, and full of danger. Loss, love, and craziness that leaves more questions than answers. Both R.J. Bathgate and M.J. Hall have a raw talent for creating a thriller suspense that will blow readers away. From the beginning to end I was sucked into the fast-paced plot before me. If this is turned into a movie, I will forever have the worst nightmares imagined...overall, I highly recommend this novella to all. Definitely, a must read.
Rating: 5 Stars
Darkview: Psychosis is an extremely enjoyable story that is well written and had me on the edge of my seat throughout. The authors did a fantastic job with bringing the characters to life, especially the protagonist, Jack Cyrus – a schizophrenic battling his demons. You really feel you're there with him, experiencing the atmospheric setting and everything he does first hand. Horror and thriller fans will love this book; even those who aren’t fans will be intrigued. Both will have difficulty putting the book down once started. Definitely recommended!
Rating: 5 Stars
Both of the authors really made this book a stone cold horror! I was constantly wondering what was going to happen to the make character next. Not only was I worried for him, but I didn't want to stop reading for myself. I needed to feel like I was in control of the situations that the main character was experiencing. So, the authors just didn't let me put down this book. If you are interested in a real fast paced horror read than this is the book for you. I recommend to all of the readers out there that don't mind sitting on the side of their bed biting nails and flipping pages!
I rate this book with a full five stars! For keeping me flipping pages and panicked to the bone!
Rating: 5 Stars
Something completely different from your normal read, well researched, well written and very dark.
Rating: 5 Stars